What we call civilization today, wearing good cloth, having good make up or driving a expensive car? Yes, that is what civilization today is. Without being matured enough from mind and heart one cannot be called civilized or matured. I had to yell up my frustration because of the immature things we do we think and we believe. I am talking about Nude paintings and Nude sculpture, which has always been a subject of controversy mostly in India and of course in some other part of the world. I do not have any person to point finger but its truth that majority of people will think nude as porn, which is not actually so. The real beauty of a person is best describe in its nude form, that's what an artist thinks, that is the reason why the ancient sculpturing of human figure is mainly in nude in order to describe its beauty. The perfect example of such sculpture can be seen in the temples of Orissa (mainly the Jagganath temple) and the sculpture of Khajuraho where every sculpture shares some story. To some particular group of people those sculpture might disturb but this is the truth of purity. We never went to those temples closing our eyes so that we don't have see those sculpture, but when there is an nude painting in the wall of the Facebook page or an nude exhibition held in the city we the same people bring it as a big issue of cultural and traditional importance. So if depriving an nude painting and saying that I am saving my culture and tradition, then what did those fellow painter & sculptor did in those ancient days, did they went beyond their culture and tradition, was they thrown out of the court for making such sculpture? no not instead they were appreciated for their excellence. It is very sad that being the richest country in the world for culture we behave like poor fighting for just a nude painting or a sculpture which people thinks as obsolete in the society.
We need to change the way we think in order to be more realistic in this world, we need to think more optimistically in order to get better art in the world and we need to appreciate the purity of nude rather than discriminating in order to show our fake love toward culture and tradition.
We need to change the way we think in order to be more realistic in this world, we need to think more optimistically in order to get better art in the world and we need to appreciate the purity of nude rather than discriminating in order to show our fake love toward culture and tradition.